Sunday 8 September 2013

Braunston Autumny morning & and a small reflection

What a gorgeous day to step out with Josie. This is what greeted us as we stepped up to the deck facing Braunston bottom lock and the Chandlery. Gorgeous.

We are all so pleased to have travelled Pete's patch this summer. We never expected it to gift a new home-home, but we did expect to enjoy the canals again. Last year, largely marina based, we almost forgot why we live this way. What a lovely reminder this summer has been. Of course, all has been helped to full rose tint by the unexpected actual summer. But the big thing this year has been travelling in tiny sections and staying a while in each place. We used to pack in a travelling day, moor up to take a train somewhere, then travel again. We seldom stayed put to get to know anywhere. This year we have added a few more villages to the "we like this place" list and are delighted.