Sunday 25 August 2013

From Foxton to Welton Hythe

Foxton is a fabulous place to be.  It's busy in the day, but at night when the locks are literally locked off, the place feels like ours alone.  The occasional walker comes from a boat or the restaurant and goes on the towpath, the opposite side to our mooring.  We have the stunning views and Josie can chase bunny rabbits to her heart's delight.  But leave we must.

We left on the evening of July 20 after Pete had a work day.  3 miles later we were in lovely Kickelwell Spinney.  The next day, we 'booked it' doing the whole stretch to Welton Hythe, just short of Norton Junction.  In the old days, this wouldn't have seemed a long journey, but with the new style of short hops to the next mooring, this seemed odd.  A whole 7 locks and 18 miles!

We feel we discovered Welton Hythe moorings last year ending the same journey in the pouring rain.  This year, it was sunny and shady.  This year, the shade was what we needed!!  We were on the towpath side, opposite Weltonfields Marina.  We admit to moving to the marina side one night to use the electricity and rush through 8 loads of laundry (!).