Buckby Top Lock - 21 August
We moved up the Buckby top lock from just below it to just above it on Friday the 21st of August. HUGE move; all of .5 miles and 1 lock. We moved because we needed to visit the BW services point. Carrying three full cassettes with Bella is far easier than taking each one a half a mile with a trolley with too short handles... And we decided to set out early on Saturday for Crick and this mooring, just next to Norton junction into the Grand Union Leicester Arm was a good place to be. Elizabeth knitted her way in a taxi to collect Reg and parked him up at the New Inn on the A5, this being the pub which sits at Buckby top lock. And we decided to spoil ourselves and eat dinner out! We cannot recall the last time we saw gammon with pineapple or prawn cocktail on a menu, but it was all good stuff and filled holes from such an exhausting day.