Wow, how wonderful to have sunshine. If you followed out blog through last summer, you'll know that we have lots of experience of living and travelling on Bella in the winter, but precious little travelling or living in the warm, dry sunshine. This is heaven now. Bella's garden is enjoying the light and sending out new shoots everywhere.
Yesterday we had a fine day, having come back quite exhausted from Manchester the previous day. Elizabeth was Artist in Residence at a Churches together Pentecost event in Wythenshawe, working 5 hours with non-artists to help them find their inner creativity. A small exhibition of some of her work highlighted the space. Pete drove us up on the Friday then back on the Saturday. We were ready for the Pentecostal refreshment of Sunday's space. Then we decided to do some gardening.
Barry at Blue Haven felt sorry for Elizabeth missing gardening and gave permission for us to care for our little bit of the Marina bank. Pete strimmed while Elizabeth went to get Josie from the kennels and when she got back, she battled the Hawthorne hedge into submission. There are battle scars of scratches and thorn holes, but we love the result of the lovely bank with some definition in the greenery - it is now possible to see where what grows on the ground surface stops and where the high greenery begins. And we can now see the canal through the spaces. Wonderful.