Here is Pete, now master of the portable fuel pump. OK, here is how it works. Pete gets the fuel can filled with road diesel, taking the can in Reg to a filling station. Now that the taxation has changed, we can get diesel at any filling station and the road version is much cleaner and more environmentally friendly, as well as cheaper. He puts the fuel can next to Bella on the tow path. Then he inserts one end of a special hose in the fuel filler point on Bella and the other in the fuel can. In between is a pump - the small thing you can see attached to the hose on the deck, just next to the drill. Why the drill? The pump has the equivalent of a drill bit which fits to the drill to power the pump. The drill is the battery powered one, so once completely charged up, the pump was working wirelessly. What things we have learned!
Just to remind readers - we have to go through all this as we are still iced in and there is no way we can get to the boat filling station. So we are filling up with 18 to 19 litres a day until we get to a full level. At a 220 litre capacity and a daily use of about 6-7 litres, this will take a little while (!). But at least we have the capacity. And yesterday, Pete got us filled up with water by the use of two (2!) hose reel extensions. One we already had, but we bought another one, the flat kind to take less space. This easily covered the 50 metres between Bella and the watering point, thankfully, not frozen. And in between all that, he travels back an forth to a sewage point with cassettes. And today we made bread, scones, spiced biscuits and the vegetable stock is simmering on the stove.