We're still in Hemel Hempsted - north, by Boxmoor. And we bought what we had laughed about then got serious about. We got a 250watt tiny strimmer. You see, not all tow paths are what they could be. Grass, nettles, bindweed, etc, etc. We have often giggled that every narrowboat owner should have a strimmer. By the combined efforts after every mooring, the tow path would be relatively nice and British Waterways wouldn't have to work so hard. Elizabeth has usually been managing with large scissors, but we decided today to go for large shears. Much more effective. But the strimmer cost £10 less and will use the energy we create from our engine into our batteries for just a few minutes. So there we are. We will now be strimming as we go. What a hoot. Oh - for those who are wondering, its name is Alan (Alan Shearer - SAD!!), and when not working, he lives in the engine compartment. It's OK - as en engine, he feels quite at home.