Monday 7 June 2010

Shepperton to Maidenhead

We stayed in Shepperton for another day so that Pete could take trains to collect post and packages from Rugby. Elizabeth used the time to get some lovely work done and to knit a bit more. A peacful summer evening was followed by a serious day of motoring.

We had not expected to travel the 19 miles and 7 locks on Saturday, as we expected to moor up somewhere in Windsor. But Windsor was Heaving With Boats. Everywhere!!! Every tiny little moment of a mooring was already bagsied by at least one boat, sometimes two abreast. There was no room at the Palace. Ah well. We kept moving.

We finally came to rest in Maidenhead, below the lock where we had moored the week before. This mooring was on a wider Thames stretch in the middle of whatever bit of town Maidenhead claims on the river. Which is not much - most of the town is almost a mile west. We walked it for some good shopping the next day and took a taxi back with the seven bags of provision/stores.