Friday 11 December 2009

To Bronney for a weekend

We set out this afternoon to a misty but beautiful winter day. It feels like forever since Bella was transport as well as home, but in reality it's only been 8 weeks, and two of those were us on holiday in New York. So, really only six weeks since we were on the move. But to us, that feels like a very long time indeed. We are delighted to be travelling again.

We were thinking of doing a long trip to Oxford once the stoppages had opened again (Claydon flight on the Oxford is closed for works at the mo, for instance), but then we looked at all the logistics. We are wonderfully booked to see friends in Oxford, family in Gosport and friends in Plymouth. And much as they might have wanted to welcome all of us, it really is better to do all the visiting sans dear Josie. So kennels for her and we love the kennels in Dunchurch. So we finally decided to do long weekends and long sets of days out over the Christmas period. Therefore, this is the first of them! We are booked into the Bridge at Napton for dinner with friends tomorrow night and so tomorrow will set out for the next few hours journey. We are SO looking forward to it!!

A few observations:
  • Elizabeth has missed taking Josie for walks (we hoped you were sitting down for that bit of news). When at Blue Haven, we are tucked into what feels like a private corner and Jose just hops off and does her biz with Elizabeth doing clean up patrols. When out on the cut, the two take walks at least four times a day. Wow. E didn't know how much she missed this.
  • Today was a very good day for Pete, as he saw how large the Moorhen population has grown. He loves Moorhens. It would appear that they were not providing too many meals for the food chain this past Autumn. It was not an exceptional day, as no Kingfishers were to be seen. But we did travel beside our lovely flock of Canada Geese and we saw stunning low sun winter views.
  • This blog post is being written in the dining area lit by our wonderful oil lamps, collected during various travels. Violet the laptop is connected to the international ether via Sonia, Elizabeth's mobile phone presently using T mobile. This is a stupendous first - not only to get comms in Braunston, but for E to use the mobile phone itself rather than a dongle. We now have the choice of Dongle Princess on Orange, Dongle Vladimir on Vodaphone and phone Sonia on Virgin networks. We are amazed. And v v v sad.